I’ve been working on a fighting game for weeks, and I realized I needed a stun system for my combat script. What I wanted was a system where players that get hit by some hitbox ( stun system happens through a hitbox.touched event ) get a boolean attribute set to true named “stunned” on their humanoid, and after some time ( the stun cooldown ), this value would be set to false to indicate that the player hit is no longer stunned.
I have tried to use delay()
local hitbox = Instance.new("Part")
local hit = false
local Stuncooldown = 0.9
if parttouched.Parent ~= Player.Character and not hit then
--hitbox properties
hitbox.Anchored = true
hitbox.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
hitbox.Color = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
if parttouched.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
local humanoidenemy = parttouched.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
--if plr gets hit while being stun or not
if parttouched.Parent.Humanoid:GetAttribute("stunned") == true then
print("player was stun")
print("player was not stun")
hit = true
-- stun system
humanoidenemy:SetAttribute("stunned", true)
delay(Stuncooldown ,function()
parttouched.Parent.Humanoid.Health = parttouched.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 5
So every time a player gets hit, its humanoid would get a “stunned” attribute set to true but if he gets hit like 5 multiple times and at different times within the stun cooldown, the “stunned” attribute would be set to false after the cooldown for each time he got hit, which is what i’m trying to avoid here ( but i don’t know how to).
i know it looks complicated but does anyone got any idea how to fix this? thank you.
thanks for the info, i replaced delay() with task.delay(),
but actualy the only thing i need to delay is the stun attribute change, everything outside the delay must be done the moment the player gets touched.
Actually, I just happen to find a solution to my problem so in case anyone is interested i’m goin to try to explain it:
here is the code, if it helps somehow
local hitbox = Instance.new("Part")
local hit = false
local Stuncooldown = 0.9
-- canchangestun originaly set to true
local canchangestun = true
-- when a plr gets hit by hitbox
if parttouched.Parent ~= Player.Character and not hit then
--hitbox properties
hitbox.Anchored = true
hitbox.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
hitbox.Color = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
if parttouched.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
local humanoidenemy = parttouched.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
--if plr gets hit while being stun or not
if parttouched.Parent.Humanoid:GetAttribute("stunned") == true then
print("player was stun")
print("player was not stun")
hit = true
-- setting plr stun attribute to true because he got hit
humanoidenemy:SetAttribute("stunned", true)
-- changing stunnedsignal attribute because it's supposed to be a signal
humanoidenemy:SetAttribute("stunnsignal",not humanoidenemy:GetAttribute("stunnsignal"))
parttouched.Parent.Humanoid.Health = parttouched.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 5
--the stun cooldown system
--when the humanoid stunnedsignal value is changed ( when every plr spawns, this value is set to true )
if str == "stunnedsignal" then
if humanoidenemy:GetAttribute("stunned") == true then
canchangestun = false
if canchangestun == true then
So basically, what i did was that i added another boolean attribute called “stunnsignal” to the plr that got hit, then i added a “canchangestun” boolean variable ( in the script ) that is originaly set to true, and i inplemented another event at the end of the hitbox.touched event, that fires each time the “stunnsignal” attribute is changed, followed by a task.wait( stunncooldown ) right after the event.
So when the plr gets hit by hitbox, this event fires a function and inside that function there is another event which sets the “canchangestun” variable to false each time ( within the stuncooldown time ) the plr’s “stunnsignal” attribute is changed ( set to its opposite value ). and if after waiting the stuncooldown time, if the " canchangestun " variable is still set to true then the plr hit will be no longer stun after that stuncooldown, and it works fine with me