How to create a tag system for a sword?

Hello dear developers!

So after a while working a bit on a new game., about fighting, I had an idea to script a system that would give the player cash after each kill

I want to achieve the knowledge and the understanding of the idea of scripting a tag system, that would allow me to find the player that died and who killed it.

I’ve been looking forward on youtube and devforum for a solution to my problem, but haven’t found anything.

Hope that you could help me with my problem!


Hey, I suggest searching youtube for these types of problems, here is a video:


I don’t understand what does it have to do with my problem.
I am trying to find the person that killed the player.

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Usually, what people do is add an ObjectValue named ‘creator’ inside the Humanoid whenever their sword kills the enemy (where you deal damage, check if their Health is 0).

Then you’ll simply set the Value to the Player who killed, of course then anything can use that.


Hmmm… Well that’s a good idea. I’ll try it in a bit. Thank you so much

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