How to create a webhook between roblox and discord? - help

Hi there developers so recently i was using lewisakura for the discord webhook then after some few days it stopped working for no reason and i also understand that discord has banned roblox from using webhook but since hydra doesnt work anymore shutdown latest 2022 so i wanted to ask anyone if there any another webhook that isnt outdated and work properly fine?

Ik im using the wrong category of scripting support idk if is related to webhook or not
but any developers here recommend me a new webhook that isnt outdated?

thank you

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You shouldn’t rely on third party services for this;

  1. They will eventually shut down as it’s not profitable for them
  2. Its a security concern
  3. You should host your own private proxy

Is there a way where i can make my own proxy then???

Search it up:

Countless tutorials. Just try some

Discord seems to have unbanned webhook requests from Roblox, I don’t need a proxy myself. Try without one and see if it works.