How to create Camera tool

basically, i want to know how to make a camera tool with range like this:

and if a player hits the range, they will get damaged

i have decent experience with creating tools that are used melee, but no experience with creating tools that have range.


Try to use Region3

it seems like region 3 cant be a cone like the one in the image, can it?

Maybe make the cone welded to the camera then make it invisible. If a player touched it, the player takes damage

for some reason when i equip the tool, the cone makes the player get flung, and yes the cone has cancollide off and anchored off (it is also a mesh)
cameratoolTest.rbxm (12.5 KB)
that is the camera tool im using (ignore the scripts inside)

I fixed the issue. Make all the parts in your tool massless. It worked for me!

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