How to create Client-Insert text

My problem is a simple one (at least it should be).

I’m trying to create a Client-Insert text for my “tech-demo” game, so that the player can configure the text displayed on the Chyron.

I would prefer client-friendly solutions so that all players in-game can see the text (if that’s even possible).



It’s not currently clear whether you are asking for suggestions on how to tackle the task or for somebody to write the code for you. Please include things you’ve already tried in this post as well as any code if applicable so we can help you work towards a solution.

If you’re looking for the code to be written for you, you’ll need to hire someone in #public-collaboration as this category is for support.


I’m looking for suggestions from other scripters so I can try to implement them into my own game.

I’m not looking to hire a scripter to do all the work for me. I’d be more than glad to handle my own scripting as long as I have some input on how to do so.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

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Have you tried taking the input on client side and using RemoteEvents to display the text on the server?


Yes, I was planning on using RemoteEvents for server-sided text.

What I need to know is how to make Client-Inserted text, so the player can configure the TextLabel.

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Can’t you just use TextButton.MouseButton1Click? Then display TextBox.Text on the server.
Edit: I meant send TextBox.Text to the server using a remote event

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Oh I just realized there are 2 text boxes. It’s nice to have a “confirm” button that you can click, then send both of the textbox text to the server and display it

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I’m confused. TextButton.MouseButton1Click only makes the button clickable, not configurable, right?


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Yeah my bad, I thought the second smaller button was a confirm button. See my above reply^^^

Edit: you can also use TextBox.FocusLost instead of adding an extra button, but that also runs the risk of players accidentally entering text they didn’t mean to type.

Also another sidenote, make sure you filter any user-entered text that other players see using roblox’s functions.

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But how does the player configure the text if there’s just a confirm button?
I’m looking for a way to type text into the TextLabel in-game.

I’m really confused.

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Sorry for the confusion, I’m new to posting on the devforum. Updated my reply above

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Thanks for the link! I’ll look into this.

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No problem. Here’s a link for text filtering too if you need it

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I’ve made something similar for you to get a reference PublicTextDisplayer.rbxm (10.0 KB). If you get stuck while writing the code you can most likely find the solution in here!

An important thing you have to remember is to filter the text that gets displayed on the main board, or your game could get banned! Here’s >how to do that<. I’ve done it in the demo i’ve sent you too.

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