I’m trying to replicate this hyperspace effect.
I’ve tried doing things with beams but you can see the texture loop a bit and it just doesn’t look right.
Have you tried using particle emitters instead? You may be able to achieve the desired result with a particles and a custom rectangular texture for the particles.
I just don’t see how particles will make a convincing effect. They will space out or
something, or won’t be random enough.
Is there a way I could put a texture onto the inside of a half sphere? Maybe I could have a rotating image as a base layer. Some beams as a secondary layer, and particles for some
fine details.
I just don’t know how to make a convincing non-repeating beam effect.
Sorry for the late reply. Have been experimenting with Unity lately.
I was able to get it to the point where I was happy with it, but not as good as the references shown. The trick is to make multiple layers of beams in a cylindrical shape, not the rounded cone shape from the references.
I have a background star texture (just white dots on a black background) that is extremely stretched out. Then, a series of layers closer to the player that are basically transparent noise images colored in various blues and purples. The important part is that the beam speeds need to be different for each layer to create a convincing merge.
At the end of the tunnel I have a particle emitter spitting out smoke particles at a size that makes a convincing “fog at the end of the tunnel”.