How to Customize Roblox Toy Figures to Your Own Character!

Wouldn’t you get lots of fingerprint marks in that?


I wouldn’t think so. You should watch some tutorials on it. I watch this modeler named ClayClaim on youtube. He does tutorials on various models from games.

Bit too busy with exams at the moment, will put it on my list of stuff to look up after, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Is it like Fimo or totally different?

Fimo is a brand that creates polymer clay. Another brand I would suggest is the Sculpey! Premo. It works just awesome with modeling.

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I kinda messed up while doing this (I had about 5 attempts) so I just used the 3D printer in my school! It does not look the best but it is still something


I did a very large 3D printed one for a friends birthday a few years ago, printed shirt onto glossy card and stuck over the various parts. Apparently it started peeling though :frowning:


This is awesome! Wishing I had access to a 3D printer in my town right now, hahaha.

I remember awhile ago (in 2011 or 2012) I used to make Minecraft characters out of folded cardstock. I wonder if this is possible to do with 1.0 Roblox bodies :thinking:

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Have you looked on 3D Hubs?

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Just checked it out. While the actual 3D printing only comes to $7, the shipping is $65.20 (crazy lol). I’ll try looking around on other 3D printing websites though, thanks for the suggestion.

I will try to make an R15 version tomorrow in school. It looks good in simulation but I am not sure if our printer can handle this. I will keep you updated!


I really wasn’t sure our printer could print this, but it did! It looks so nice!

Now for the mission impossible: ANTHRO


Looking really nice, what material is it made of?

The material I used is PLA. I don’t really know it’s difference from normal plastic, though.

It took two attempts, but in the end, it was all worth it! Here is the first Anthro Roblox Toy:

Since I printed all Roblox rig types, I guess I’ll wait until they announce R60! But yeah, I now have my own-made Roblox toys!


I wish 3D printing would leave a smoother finish :confused: Still looks good though :slight_smile: Just needs some paint :wink:

Any chance we could put full 3D printing to it’s own thread? Feels a bit too off-topic here…

I will not post any more 3D printed here anymore anyways. I only wanted to provide the devs with the pics of the 3D printed Roblox character types.


Yes, I know I’m replying 2 years later haha but I was wondering, @centraltrains if you had any idea on how to get a hat and a hair together. If I decided to get it printed on a website, should I get those printed together as one? What are your thoughts?

Probably going to be best to print them together as there’s not going to be a way to attach them separate, unless you look to make the hair out of an alternate method and stick onto a hat. Maybe moulding something, or cutting shaped foam and sticking onto the hat? Probably going to be easier just to print it all out as one blob.

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This is such a great tutorial that’s well written and explanatory. I will definitely bookmark this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve wanted to make my own ROBLOX toy for a while, and my avatar is finally compatible with this tutorial! Thank you for making it, I’ll update with a picture if/when I make it

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