How to de-noise gfx in blender

Hello everybody this topic is very important & I need to tell everyone if you know how to do this, i’m also not sure if i’m in the right topic for this but if i’m not place change it to the right topic please.

  1. What do you want to achieve? I wanna become the best roblox developer ever! & become a amazing gfx artist like softgb & i5k.

  2. What is the issue? The issue is that people tell me to use cycles when I use gfx, but I tell them that when I render the images its hard for it to load. As you can see here i’m making a gfx for @AshCr4ft & @Alvin_Blox in KAT

    yea, on how to de-noise all of this.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have tried looking on YouTube on how to de-noise roblox gfx art, but I didn’t see anything.

if you are a gfx artist & you know how to do this, please let me know. thank you for reading! Have a great day! :smiley:


Hey there. I found this very nice tutorial on YouTube that shows how to denoise something using Blender. Althought it is not related to ROBLOX GFX, I think you may find it useful.

Also, here is a link on how to use the Denoise Node.

I hope this helps!

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use blendr 2.8 eveeeee

eevee doesn’t matter. just use the denoise function or higher samples

Although eevee does nice in making little to no noise in renders, it doesn’t give the same render effects/lighting as cycles does with raytracing/light. Yes you can change settings around, no it still wont give the same exact thing.

Denoise node is a better solution in this case, another alternative is also using the NVIDIA Denoiser (if you have an NVIDIA card, or use blender 2.9).

Blender 2.9 has come out already?

Speedy :frowning:

Evee makes it real easy to set samples up to 1028 and still render in under a second for me

Evee is fast to render because it uses a different type of rendering however, sacrifices in quality shadows, lighting, etc.

Yes it can look good, no it won’t be the same. Thats why cycles is a thing.

Hi! I know this has already been solved however one method of doing this is clicking on the pictures icon on the side and enabling Denoising.

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The new blender version(2.83) has this new feature called viewport denoising so maybe try getting that.

Where is the link for me to get blender 2.9?