How to deal with UiGridLayout?

I’m attempting to make an inventory system where the player’s icons are lined up as shown in the video below, my problem is the spacing. I have it set to the default {0, 5}, {0, 5} for the CellPadding and, as you can see, in the video, when I switch between a smaller screen and my default screen, the spacing is different. How can I fix this? I understand how scale is the percentile size of the parent and how offset is the direct pixels, I just don’t know how to use UiGridLayout so that they spacing remains the same.

0,5? as i checked right now, it is offset, if you wish to fit on others screen you must use [Scale]
offset will ignore and will not resize anything

click on UIGRID and go check the cell padding and change to scale

I have tried using scale, accept that all of this is in a scrolling frame that will automatically scale, so well it scales larger, the gap will become larger. Lets say the canvas starts off being 100 pixels, and my padding is 0.1, there will be a 1 pixel gap. Now lets say the canvas changes to 200 pixels, now there will be a 2 pixel gap. See the issue?

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