when players join my game, they will load a lot of information, then when their character is added, it will activate the function.
But the information when players join the game has not finished loading, the character added makes the script broken. How to make a player’s character wait a few seconds?
Manually respawn them via scripts using Humanoid.Died and Players.PlayerAdded
Start by turning off Players.CharacterAutoLoads and then use Player:LoadCharacter() to spawn them in.
what is CharacterAutoLoads and LoadCharacter ? i dont know about it. Can you give me more infomation ?
CharacterAutoLoads basicly spawns your avatar you have in. LoadCharacter basicly does the same but manually activated by a script.
i can not use it, error 503. i dont know what happen with it
You can also use Players.RespawnTime, but if you do, you won’t be able to control when you want them to respawn, just how long until they respawn (in case loading takes a varying amount of time)
how can use it ?
Player.CharacterAutoLoads(false) ? i must disable it ?
If you want to be able to manually spawn their character without the automatic respawn, literally just tick the box off on the Players service by clicking it. (In Explorer and Properties)
Found in the Players class, it is true (box has mark) by default, that’s it.
when i disable it, character will wait command to add ?
i use player:LoadCharacter() to do that ?
LoadCharacter loads the character manually. Yes.
Yes, use it after you finished loading whatever you need to load for that player, and if you want them to respawn, do the same, except after they die instead of when they join.
thank you all, i can do it, thank you very much