How to delete a datastore virus

Like most people have said,

Can you give some info on the virus? And what do you mean with no scripts, does your game have no scripts or no datastore script?

We might be able to help you further if you can give some info.

The person could have said this and pointed towards a false claim. Try running an anti-virus plugin like my plugin to find instanced of loadstring, which would need to be used to load a virus from a datastore.

loadstring() is often used for legitimate purposes.

It isn’t used for anything anymore. I was saying the only way you could load a virus from a datastore was loadstring.

You can still use loadstring() though. It isn’t permanently disabled (yet).

To be honest this just sounds like this friend is trolling you. A datastore is just a dictionary that saves data across game sessions. I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a datastore virus. Either he’s trolling you or your trolling the Forum.

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Can you elaborate on what a “datastore virus” is? Code cannot be executed in a datastore.

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Im 99% sure they’re trolling. They give no explanation on how this “data store virus work.” And if he/she isn’t trolling then good luck trying to remove the virus.

With the implementation of Data Stores v2 you can get all the keys in a Data Store using this function:

Ctrl + Shift + F in studio, search "GetDataStore" or "GetOrderedDataStore", delete any script that uses Datastore service.

If there’s no scripts, check your plugins, uninstall them all if you need too. After that, I highly recommend a fresh Roblox Studio install (uninstall Roblox Studio, then delete the actual Roblox Studio folder)

If you’re not able to do any of this, and it still yields no results, it might be something you think is a virus when it’s probably some graphical error. Otherwise, you’re just trolling, hence why I didn’t go in-depth here.

Okay so this person says the virus works without any scripts in their game. And that it won’t work if they change the key. This person seems to know something about scripting, then can’t elaborate on a datastore virus. (Yes it’s possible), but without any scripts in their game, it likely means they have a plugin virus.

This either means they’re trolling, or they have a plugin virus

Hence, plugin virus. There is such thing as a datastore virus, and I assume it’s possible. But you can’t trigger anything with datastores, without scripts in the game. Meaning. Plugin virus.


I don’t think you even know what you’re talking about. Your game is probably broken due to poor scripting.

But the thing is, the virus remains even when the game is overwrited.

Go to File —> Settings —> Studio and then enable “Show Hidden Objects in Explorer“. Check to see if anything is in those hidden objects, particularly CSGDictionaryService.

While it’s unlikely if you already searched all script for data store keywords, it’s certainly worth a look just in case.

Credit to this helpful anti-virus post for the information: Clearing your game of malicious scripts, plugins, and backdoors

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Okay so, how does this virus work? What kind of virus is this? What does it do?

Does it ruin the experience of other players while you’re in game?