How to delete all of the animation events? / "Ghost" animation event issue

I was adding animation events as usual until I noticed overlapping happening, checking animation events and deleting all of them by simply hovering by them with my mouse, however, “StepL” still exists and oddly functions despite not being visually there.

Selecting StepL in “filter by name” shows nothing either.
Deleting all of the visual animation events:

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Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m experiencing the same thing currently.

For anyone else experiencing this issue, right click one of the animation events and hit Edit Animation Event. Hit the ... on the animation event and click Delete all Same Events. :slight_smile:

Hello there and thank you so much for stopping by;
I found out the workaround to avoid this from happening is that, the animation event marker places on your cursor, somewhere around that and not where the blue stick is located. So You’d put it in the middle and move it where you’d like

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