How to detect a Character's Back?

Using raycast, or any efficient method, how would I detect if a player is facing a character’s back?

basically, I have a blocking feature for my sword, but I want it so they can take damage if they get hit from the back. How would me, the attacker, determine if I’m attacking the back of the player?


(this method is obviously exploitable if security system/sanity check doesn’t exist)
Make a player spawn with a part in their back with welds.
And when the sword hit the backpart, they can take damage even when blocking is true.

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You could use Vector3:Dot

local Difference = (Player2Position - Player1Position).Unit
local LookVector = Player1CFrame.LookVector

local DotProduct = Difference:Dot(LookVector)

if DotProduct < 1 then
    --Player2 is facing completely opposite direction

In your example, is player 1 or 2 doing the attacking

Player2 is meant to be the attacker in this case.

local isFacingBack = false
local Difference = (character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position).Unit
local LookVector =  hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").LookVector

local DotProduct = Difference:Dot(LookVector)

if DotProduct < 1 then
	isFacingBack = true
	--Player2 is facing back of player 1

Would this be how you do it

P.S. this doesn’t seem to work

Yeah. If it doesn’t work, try printing DotProduct and change 1 accordingly.

That’s odd, it doesn’t print anything for some reason and the function does run

Can you send the part of the code?

if isBlocking == true and userSwinging.Value == true then 
				local isFacingBack = false
				print('function runs')
				local attacker = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
				local target = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

				local Difference = (attacker.Position - target.Position).Unit
				local LookVector =  target.LookVector

				local DotProduct = Difference:Dot(LookVector)
				if DotProduct < 1 then
					isFacingBack = true
					--Player2 is facing completely opposite direction

				if isFacingBack == true and debounceDamage == true then
					DamagePlrBack(hit, character)


It does print function runs

Set your dot product range depending on how accurate you need it to be.
If Dot Product is 1 of both player’s lookVector, that means they are facing in the exact same direction.
So you might set

local range = 0.75
if DotProduct > range then
	isFacingBack = true
	--Player2 is facing back of player 1

I did that, but for some reason, the printing for the dot product never prints, which is why I assume, the isFacingBack value never becomes true

Did a debugging test, basically, it doesnt run anything after
local LookVector = target.LookVector

Ohh forgot to do CFrame.LookVector

now it prints

This is how I made my backstab mechanic, you can use it

	local TargetPosition : Vector3, BackstabberPosition :Vector3 = Victim.HumanoidRootPart.Position, Backstabber.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	local Direction : Vector3 = (BackstabberPosition - TargetPosition).Unit
	local VictimFace : Vector3, BackstabberFace : Vector3 = Victim.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector.Unit, Backstabber.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector.Unit
	local Result = Direction:Dot(VictimFace)
	if Result < -0.5 then
		print("Backstab") -- You are behind the target
		print("Not backstab") -- In front of the target