How to detect anchored objects

※Since I live abroad, I use a translator. If the translation is strange, please let me know!

As written in the title, I would like to know how to detect anchored objects. I use a tool that moves objects by dragging them, but I needed a system that limits the movement of objects…

스크린샷 2023-08-15 093821

As shown in the picture above, we need a system that recognizes objects that are in contact with each other and allows them to be in contact only when conditions are met.

It is possible to restrict the movement of an object when the conditions are not met, but it is difficult to implement a system that recognizes a touched object. Touched only works on unanchored objects, so it’s very difficult to create…

Any way to solve this?
I’ve uploaded a question post like this before, and got a reply asking me to try the mouse raycasting technique. If that’s the best way, I’m really sorry, but can you tell me a bit more about it? please. thank you

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Try use an if statement to check weather somethings anchored or not.

Here’s some information about raycasting.