How to detect if a player fired an event at shapecast

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I want to know how to detect if a player fires a remote event in a shapecast, a reply would be helpful.

thanks -How4rdy

You def need to provide more info here please.

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so imagine a player uses a tool, after equpping the tool, if the player clicks it will fire a remote event.

but theres a shapecast lets say a cylinder shapecast and if the player is inside of the shapecast i want it to detect if the player is clicking the tool to then fire the remote event.

if the player is outside the shapecast, when clicking it wont fire the remote event.

sorry i explain it in a hard way im not good at explaining

So you want to check if the player is within a certain area if so fire an event?

yeah it is quite like that iam bad at explaining so sorry

Use .Touched event…?
Unless I misunderstood you.

but its shapecast not a part so theres no touched event, so thats why idk how to.