How to detect if the device is HD 1080 or a average laptop

I’ve encountered an issue where, when my textSize is set to 50, it looks absolutely fine on an HD 1080 display:


but not on a average laptop:


The best way to fix this for an average laptop is by setting maxTextSize to 35:


But then it looks off on an HD 1080 display:


So, i wanna make a script (or anything) that can detect the specific device the player is using, rather than just identifying whether they’re on a computer or a phone, since my game is for computers only. However, I don’t know how to do this.

Can anyone help? thank you

Hello! You should use camera for this sort of detection.
Something like this : CurrentCamera.ViewportSize. (docs) :smiley:

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Thank you! ViewportSize actually helped me in my script, it works now

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