How to detect joystick input from mobile device

How would I detect when a mobile player tries to move their character with the on-screen joystick? Is there a way to do this with user input service

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There definitely is ill make an example. Never mind can’t think how to do it properly

I think that all of the mobile KeyCodes for the UIS will still function normally even if the user uses on-screen joysticks. But to answer your question; probably not since there isn’t a way to detect objects on top of the mobile screen

The only way I can imagine how you can check indirectly if the player moves without pressing the move button is this function:

	-- functions when the user moves with his finger

And there are other TouchMethods which are these:
TouchRotate → Fires when the user rotates with his finger
TouchPan → Fires when the user drags with his finger
TouchTap → Fires when the user taps with his his finger
and so one there are some but basically just get the UIS and type in .Touch then you know what functions there are