How to detect when a player is speaking in voice chat?

I’m creating a game that features spatial voice, and I am trying to implement a system to detect when the player is speaking.
I’ve looked around at the developer forum but haven’t really found any solution to this.
Does anybody know more about this?


I don’t believe this is possible.


Are you sure there is no way to do it using CoreGui?

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Well when the someone is talking with voice chat there a bit of green that peeks through the mic icon, maybe you could detect the percentage of it that is revealed?



Okay after a bunch of trial and error, I managed to find where the voice chat UI is located. (If anybody is interested it is: game > CoreGui > ExperienceChat > bubbleChat > BubbleChat_‘YOUR USERID’ > VoiceBubble > RoundedFrame > Contents > Insert)

But I am not very sure it it’s possible to detect changes in the CoreGui WHILE the game is running. I’ll keep y’all updated.


It is just like any other ui element so I think youll be able to detect different things, good luck!

You cannot discover, change, add or remove anything in CoreGui. This service is not available to scripts in the game.

Just figured that out the hard way…

But aren’t they read-only? so you could technically still read the properties and values, no?

Yes, you are right but not completely, it has some access to the CoreGui, but only through the StarterGui and it has limited functionality.
Docs: StarterGui | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

even if we could access it, we could get the volume only by the ImageRectOffsetwhich would be a bit more complex, but not impossible.

right now, it is impossible.

Hmm, check out this Forum and read the solution.

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sorry for the bump, i just thought people would find this link useful!