I’m scripting a nitro system for a car and I want it to function when the player presses F and when they’re in a VehicleSeat. The issue is I don’t know how to check if the player is in a VehicleSeat or not
local Occupant = Seat.Occupant -- Humanoid or nil
if Occupant then --If there is a Humanoid Detected in the Seat
print"A Player is in the Seat"
What if there’s multiple VehicleSeats in the game though? What you sent only works with one VehicleSeat defined
for _,i in pairs(Example:GetChildren()) do
if i:IsA("Seat") then
if i.Occupant then
print"Someone is in the Seat"
Same issue as before but with cars. “Example” would be the car and there could be multiple cars in the game
New cars could be spawned in and it’s just adding layers of complication. I’m mainly looking for a way to see if the player is in a VehicleSeat based off their character or humanoid.
Found a way. There is a property called SeatPart inside of the humanoid
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