How To Detect Which Statement Is False?

Hello, I would deeply appreciate any help.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to use one if statement and detect which one is false
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    I don’t know how to do it, for example:
if "statement1" == true and "statement2" == true then
print("all statements are true")
print("the false statement") --prints which false statement
  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?


local statement1 = true
local statement2 = false

if statement1 == true and statement2 == true then
print("Both of these statements are true!")
if statement1 == false then
print(statement1.. "is false")
if statement2 == false then
print(statement2.."is false")
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local statement1 = nil --change
local statement2 = nil --change

if statement1 == true and statement2 == true then
	print("Both true!")
elseif statement1 == true and statement2 == false then
	print("1 is true, 2 is false")
elseif statement1 == false and statement2 == true then
	print("1 is false, 2 is true")
elseif statement1 == false and statement2 == false then
	print("Both false!")
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but I want to use only one if statement, and no elseif

From my understanding of the question, one of the statements must be true and the other false otherwise it would be impossible to do with one if statement and no elseifs.
In which case:

if statement1 == true then
    print("statement1 is true")
    print("statement2 is true")
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Ok, thanks for replying
I meant if There were three if statements:

if statement1 == true and statement2 == true and statement3 == true then
-- all statements are true
print("the false statement") -- prints which false statement has to be one of the three
local statements = {["s1"] = false, ["s2"] = true, ["s3"] = true}

if statements["s1"] == true and statements["s2"] == true and statements["s3"] == true then
	print("All true!")
	for sName, sValue in pairs(statements) do
		if sValue == false then
			print(sName.." is false!") --s1 is false!

A table value would be the way to go.

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Thank you so much!
(And to all you helped)