How to determine if sound is copyright before uploading?

Hi, I’m making a game with a concert stage. I am trying to upload a sound for an introduction to a show, but I’m not for certain that it’s copyright-free. There is no information about the sound anywhere online, or any official release of it (to my knowledge). Uploads of YouTube that also contain the sound have no “music in this video” category of the description either. Is there maybe a tool I can run it through to see if it’s okay to upload to Roblox?

Here’s a link to the sound I’m trying to upload:

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Hey! I don’t think you’ve used the correct category for this type of help- I think you should try recategorising this.

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My apologies, I saw someone else post the same question in this category, but my question still remained unanswered. I’ll try recategorizing.

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Thanks for directing me to that site! Do you think uploading NCS music is allowed? There are some that are allowed, but require a reference.

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Do you think it would be possible to credit them in a “credits” section of the game, or does it have to be in the description?

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I’ve tried adding this link to my description, but it just tells me “Inappropriate place name or description”
Could it be because of the name or maybe even the contents?

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