local entryCost = playerFolder.EntryCost.Value
local land = playerFolder.Land.Value
local numberOfGuests = (land*20) - (entryCost)
Land value is how much land a player has purchased (starts of at 1)
Entry cost is how much the player charges the guests to enter the park (a value between 20-40)
What I’m trying to do is make it so the amount of guests is determined by the amount of land a player has + the cost of entry.
Obviously, the higher the amount of land the player has, the more guests, but I also want entry cost to play a factor. So the more expensive the entry, the less guests. I was thinking of having say 10 guests with the land value at 1 and the cost value being at 25. But I’m not sure how to work it so if the player only has 1 land value and they set the price to 40 they’d be getting negative number of guests. I’m not sure how to make it so they’ll always have a decent number (atleast like 5 guests for a park that’s at 1 land value and 40 for entry cost) and say a max of 150-200 guests for a park for land value of 16 and entry cost at 20.
Is there a simple formula I should use for this? I know a lot of classic tycoons (like rollercoaster tycoon, zoo tycoon, etc) use fancy equations to determine the amounts of guests using all kinds of variables. But I can’t seem to find a formula that would work in this instance.
EDIT Obviously if I did
(land*45) - (entryCost)
that’d give me 5 guests if entrycost was 40 and land value was 1 . But if they have land value of 16, (16*45) - 40 would == 680, which is way too big