How to determine the speed of a bodyposition

i’m trying to figure out how to measure the speed of which a BodyPosition can move a part at based on its P, D, and MaxForce. is there any documentation some1 can link me to? i can’t find anything concrete online about it

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I don’t believe there is a top speed. Obviously the instantaneous speed changes all the time, so you can’t really determine a fixed value for that either. Even if there is a top speed (there might be due to D, not sure), the BP won’t necessarily ramp up to that speed and then stay at it until it gets close to the target.

I only spent a few minutes googling, if you want to research it yourself more, look up PID controllers.

i dont want a 100% accurate guess of the top speed, because technically it can be anything. i know that BodyPosition works differently on every part/assembly based on its mass. but its very vague as the “speed” is determined by how much force is applied on said assembly. but that changes based on friction, elasticity, material sliding against (if any), mass, etc. even if i can get a guess within’ 4-5 studs accuracy it’d be good enough