Is there any way to disable the reset button without disabling it, as in tsbg, fiction battleground and others? I think it’s pretty cool stuff, and I want to add it to my game.
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What are you trying to ask? If you want to disable reset just disable the button it’s the way everyone does it
I have no idea what you’re talking about. Neither of the game’s you mentioned stop your character from being killed after pressing the reset button
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His goals are beyond our comprehension
Insert a BindableEvent anywhere you want (as long as the client can access it) and do this
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local ResetButtonCallbackEvent = pathtourbindableevent
Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 -- pretty much default reset behaviour, remove this to make the reset button do nothing
local ResetButtonCallbackSuccess = false
while ResetButtonCallbackSuccess == false do
Success = pcall(StarterGui.SetCore, StarterGui, "ResetButtonCallback", ResetButtonCallbackEvent)
omg, its really works. tysm for the help
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