i am using a bundle imported from the roblox marketplace as the player’s character for my game. this bundle is skinned.
in my game, i have code that rotates the player’s waist motor6d up and down with the camera. this is the code:
local camX, camY, camZ = camera.CFrame.Rotation:ToEulerAnglesYXZ()
waist.C0 = waistOriginalC0 * CFrame.Angles(camX, 0, 0)
with normal characters – characters that are not skinned bundles – this works 100% fine, but with the skinned character, it does not. with the skinned character, the arms do not rotate along with the upper torso, like it is supposed to.
the arms do rotate with normal characters, so i am very confused. i have tried also changing the c0 of the shoulder motor6d’s but it seems like roblox is not letting me change the rotation of the skinned bundle’s arms at all. so i think the only fix i could use is to disable the skinned mesh of the character, but i do not know how to do this.
any help is appreciated. thank you