How to disable the default hand out animation in a tool

I have been searching through the devforum to find a way to disable the default hand out animation roblox has, i have read posts like this:

But both show how to delete the animation from all tools in the game and i need to delete it from specific tools, can anyone tell me how i can do that?

I may also be wrong about those two posts, if so, please let me know.

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You can disable RequiresHandle in the tool.

That does not solve the problem. Have tried it already.

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So why are you making this thread?

I have already tried to disable RequiresHandle, it does not work, forgot to type the “not”

You need to go into [ Character/Rig/Model > Animate > toolnone > ToolNoneAnimation ] and replace the ToolNoneAnimation.


I’m not asking for a script, but can you do a better explanation with that?

Sure. When the tool is equipped get the character, find the Animate child of the character, find the toolnone child of Animate, and find the ToolNoneAnimation child of toolnone. Set the parent of the ToolNoneAnimation to nil (or just store it somewhere else). Then get your animation (I’d recommend storing it as a child of your tool), clone it, then set the clone’s parent to toolnone. When the tool is unequipped, remove the cloned animation and add the original toolnone animation (parented to nil or stored somewhere) to the children of toolnone.

So basically, remove the toolnone, from the player.Character.Animate, clone my own animation inside it and then when the tool is unequipped put it back?

Yep! Remove the children from toolnone, add your own, replace the old ones when the tool is unequipped.

It looks like you can also just remove and replace the toolnone StringValue container.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local tool = script.Parent

local function newToolNoneAnimation(humanoid)
	local newAnimation ="Animation")
	if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
		--R15 animation
		newAnimation.AnimationId = ""
		--R6 animation
		newAnimation.AnimationId = ""
	return newAnimation

local oldToolNoneChildren = {}

	local character = tool.Parent
	local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid",5)
	if not humanoid then return end
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate", 5)
	if not animate then return end
	local toolNone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone", 5)
	if not toolNone then return end
	oldToolNoneChildren = toolNone:GetChildren()
	for _, child in ipairs(oldToolNoneChildren) do
		child.Parent = nil
	local newAnimation = newToolNoneAnimation(humanoid)
	newAnimation.Parent = toolNone

	local player = Players.LocalPlayer
	local character = player.Character
	if not character then return end
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate", 5)
	if not animate then return end
	local toolNone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone", 5)
	if not toolNone then return end
	for _, child in ipairs(toolNone:GetChildren()) do
	for _, child in ipairs(oldToolNoneChildren) do
		child.Parent = toolNone
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Alright, i’m gonna test it out and i’ll tell you the results later, thanks.

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Did this code, i just saw you edited a code in, i’m gonna take a look at it now.

	local character = script.Parent.Parent
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
	local toolnone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone")
	local tna = toolnone:WaitForChild("ToolNoneAnimation")
	tna.Parent = script.Parent
	local animation = script.Parent.Animation:Clone()
	animation.Parent = toolnone

	local character = script.Parent.Parent.Character
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
	local toolnone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone")
	local tna = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ToolNoneAnimation")
	tna.Parent = toolnone

The animation is named ToolNoneAnim (whoops, sorry about that!). You also need to do script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character to get the character in the unequipped connection.

local tool = script.Parent
	local character = tool.Parent
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
	local toolnone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone")
	local tna = toolnone:WaitForChild("ToolNoneAnim")

	tna.Parent = tool

	local animation = tool:WaitForChild("Animation"):Clone()

	animation.Parent = toolnone

	local character = tool.Parent.Parent.Character
	local animate = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
	local toolnone = animate:WaitForChild("toolnone")
	local tna = tool:WaitForChild("ToolNoneAnim")

	tna.Parent = toolnone


Did work, but now i just need to fix the animation.


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