How to Disable Top Bar Transparency

I’ve searched far and wide for a previous answer so if there’s something like this recently then I’m either blind or I haven’t searched with enough terms to find it.

I’m trying to make a game that rickrolls you but also looks legitimate to anyone first joining. The only problem is that you can see the skybox through the topbar.

I could use SetCore:TopbarEnabled(false) but that also diasbles every core gui, which I don’t want.
Secondly, I’ve tried using PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency(0), but after some research, I only got this:

So now I’m left with people able to peek through the top of the screen to see what’s behind.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Click “ignore GUI inset” for it to cover the whole screen. It’s in properties of the screengui


It worked. Thanks for your help.