I’m writing a simple DataStore script and I want the leaderboards to also display my different IntValues
The issue is that it doesn’t display any of the IntValues. I wrote this out from a tutorial and it showed the values on the tutorial maker’s screen. I’m suspecting it has something to do with a ROBLOX update. If I’d have to write additional code, then I could ask for help on here. I have a picture of this incident:
I haven’t tried anything so far, aside from writing this post :D.!
Here’s the code:
DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
myDS = DSS:GetDataStore("myDS")
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- tutkii, että onko pelaaja liittynyt peliin
local Leaderboards = Instance.new("Folder") -- luo kansion
Leaderboards.Name = "Leaderboards"
Leaderboards.Parent = player
local VR = Instance.new("IntValue") --IntValue sisältää tietoa pelaajan statseista
VR.Name = "VR"
VR.Parent = Leaderboards
local Coins = Instance.new("IntValue") --for code reviewers, the coins are not a currency, just so you know :)
Coins.Name = "Coins"
Coins.Parent = Leaderboards
local playerID = "Player_" ..player.UserId -- tunnistaa pelaajan käyttäjän
--tässä tieto latautuu
local data
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
data = myDS:GetAsync(playerID) -- Async mahdollistaa datan tulon samalla kun teet jotain muuta pelissä(kai?)
VR.Value = data
if success then
VR.Value = data.VR
Coins.Value = data.Coins
--Jos data latautuu onnistuneesti, datan arvo = VR:n arvo
--Kuinka tallentaa tietoa
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) -- tutkii, että onko pelaaja lähtemässä pelistä
local playerID = "Player_" ..player.UserId
local data = {
VR = player.Leaderboards.VR.Value;
Coins = player.Leaderboards.Coins.Value
local success,errormessage = pcall(function()
if success then
print("Data save successful")
print("An error occured while trying to save data")
All help is appreciated!