How to do luffy gear 2 skill

How i would make a luffy second gear skill ?

like this


First, you would create the animation, Then you would change body colors if you wanted, Then add steam particles to the limbs… That’s pretty much it. I can go in-depth if you need further explanation.

Thats what i wanted, an Plan to A plan to organize my mind, yes please, explain more

  1. Animation - Animation
    If you wanted to recreate the rubber effect you could create a skinned mesh but that would be very complex process, Bones and animation and all.

  2. Steam Particle Emitters Or Steam Trail

  3. Change of body Color if you wish using TweenService

Changing Body Color Example
for _,Limb in pairs (Character:GetChildren())
	if Limb:IsA("BasePart") then --if child is a part of the body then
		--Create body colorTween

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