Working on a neural network game and I am working on censes for the instances. First cense: Vision is generated by raycasts. Pray have FOV of 130 and preditors have a FOV of 50.
How would I go with raycasting every 5 degrees of the FOV? I’m not the best at math behind this.
Here’s a snippet of my script:
for c=1, rRange do
local optimalangle =,entity.part.Orientation.Y,0) +,-(r/2)+(r*(c/rRange)),0)
local optimalorigin = entity.part.Position + entity.part.CFrame.LookVector*(entity.part.Size.Z/2)
local params = params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
local ignore = {entity.part}
if entity.entity == 'pray' then
ignore[2] = preditorFolder
ignore[2] = prayFolder
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignore
local newray = workspace:Raycast(optimalorigin,optimalangle,params)
if newray then
if newray.Distance <= 5 then
-- Proccessing is here
local r = 50 if entity.entity == 'pray' then r = 130 end
local rRange = r/5
Just to be clear, you can’t do a “ray cast” that’s actually in the shape of a continous arc, only approximate it with a couple of individual “normal” ray casts.
How to do that in code depends on how exactly you want your creatures’ senses to work. You’ve drawn the circular arc coming out of one face of a part, but what should happen if the creature ends up a bit rotated around it’s own Z axis? Should the arc still be “flat” in the world’s X/Z axes or should it follow the creature’s rotation?
Here’s an example of how rays can be cast in a circular arc:
function arcRayCast(origin, spreadAngle, maxRadius, numSegments, raycastParams)
local angleStep = spreadAngle/numSegments
local firstCFrame = origin * CFrame.Angles(0, -spreadAngle/2, 0)
local results = {}
for angle = -spreadAngle/2, spreadAngle/2, angleStep do
local rayCFrame = firstCFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, angle, 0)
local rayResult = game.Workspace:Raycast(rayCFrame.Position, rayCFrame.LookVector * maxRadius, raycastParams)
if not result then continue end
table.insert(results, rayResult)
return results