How would I achieve similar functionaly to packages using the filesystem with vscode and rojo?
What I’m trying to do:
So I have 2 kinds of scripts
ones that are specific to that project
ones that are not specific to that project
I have a folder with all the scripts that are not subject to that game (utilities, services, etc) I want to be able to edit them and use them in multiple games without making a copy and putting it in the project folder.
My idea:
Keep the “shared” folder outside of game project folders and access it from the project.json file in each project folder.
The problem is how do I access the path outside of the project folder?
As you can see src/ is directly under the project folder and the first element in the path.
If anyone knows how I can do it please let me know,
I could probably make the “shared” folder it’s own rojo project and then use packages to update it in each game, but that will annoying and I would like to avoid that
Note that src/Client and src/Server are NOT ReplicatedStorage and ServerScriptService, they’re just organized that way so I can easily navigate to my backend/frondend scripts and have more control over what-goes-where
The “…/” indicates to go up one in the directory and the “/shared” is to go down to the shared folder. It’s basically like doing script.Parent.otherscript.