How to draw a line between two parts?

I was wondering how you would draw a line between two parts, similar to the one on pet sim x, the line between your pet and the object it is going to collect. I tried using beams but I can’t get a way to make them flat on the ground. Does anybody know how to create a line similar to this.

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I haven’t really tested it yet but try this.

local part1 = workspace.Part1
local part2 = workspace.Part2

local line ="Part")
line.Anchored = true
line.Parent = workspace

while true do
	line.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(part1, part2)
	line.Size =, 0.1, - part2.Position.X, line.Position.Y - part2.Position.Y, line.Position.Z - part2.Position.Z ).Magnitude)

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This creates just a part that connect the two pieces, i am trying to create a dynamic dotted line that gets smaller the closer the two parts are, also want the dots to move along the line, like it does on a regular beam. The only problem i am getting is making a beam straight, i can change the orientation of the attachments, but I wouldnt know how to calculate the orientation needed for the two attachments to have the orientation that makes the beam flat

You would use a beam for that, one attachment at the pet, another at the coins

Can you show me how your beam looks like right now?

all I have done to this beam is change the orientation of the attachments, i want to know how I would calculate the correct orientation needed so wherever I stand the attachments will be at the correct orientation so the beam is straight

you’d probably have to change the orientation on both to like (90,0,0)

I’ve tried that, it only works if the player is head on to the part.

perhaps set it to the orientation of the parent of the attachment?

You can try and disable FaceCamera (last property in the img)


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facecamera is disabled, i just need some sort of way to get the orientation of the attachments to face each other.

Maybe use LookVector? ----------

I’m not sure how to get that working with attachments as their cframe is only local and when i try to change their world properties they don’t seem touse the lookat as intended

Beams are the correct answer for this. You just need to make sure that both attachments are of the same rotation (the axis that affects the twisting of the beam), and then position them on the ground.

Alternatively, you could use physical parts that connect between the locations and have something like a texture animate across. There’s quite a few options you can go for. I would, however, recommend implementing pathfinding into the guidance system. There’s almost no games on Robox that do this and it makes no sense to me why they don’t. But clearly that’s optional.

You can use the function to create a Part or LineHandleAdornment instance and set its properties accordingly.

-- Get the two parts you want to draw a line between
local part1 = game.Workspace.Part1
local part2 = game.Workspace.Part2

-- Create a new LineHandleAdornment instance
local line ="LineHandleAdornment")
line.Parent = part1

-- Set the properties of the line
line.Length = (part1.Position - part2.Position).Magnitude
line.Thickness = 2
line.Transparency = 0.5
line.Color3 =, 1, 1)

-- Position the line between the two parts
line.Adornee = part2
line.AlwaysOnTop = true
line.ZIndex = 1
line.Visible = true

Here is an example place I made, that might help
BeamPath.rbxl (43.9 KB)


local busy = false

function HandleTouch(block,part)
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
	if player and player == game.Players.LocalPlayer and not busy then
		busy = true
		if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Beam") then --remove the beam
			local folder = player.Character.Beam
			if folder and folder:FindFirstChild("SrcRef") and folder:FindFirstChild("DstRef") then
				local src = folder.SrcRef.Value
				local dst = folder.DstRef.Value
				if dst and dst.Parent == block then
					if src then src:Destroy() end

		else --create the beam
			local target = block
			while target == block do
				target = workspace:WaitForChild("Targets"):WaitForChild("Part"..math.random(1,4))
			local folder ="Folder")
			folder.Name = "Beam"

			local srcAttachment ="Attachment")
			srcAttachment.Parent = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart

			local dstAttachment ="Attachment")
			dstAttachment.Parent = target

			local srcRef ="ObjectValue")
			srcRef.Name = "SrcRef"
			srcRef.Value = srcAttachment
			srcRef.Parent = folder

			local dstRef ="ObjectValue")
			dstRef.Name = "DstRef"
			dstRef.Value = dstAttachment
			dstRef.Parent = folder

			local beam ="Beam")
			--beam.FaceCamera = true
			beam.Transparency =
			beam.TextureSpeed = .5
			beam.TextureLength = 5
			beam.TextureMode = Enum.TextureMode.Stretch
			beam.Width0 = 3
			beam.Width1 = 3
			beam.CurveSize0 = 0
			beam.CurveSize1 = 0
			beam.Segments = 1
			beam.Texture = ""
			beam.Attachment0 = srcAttachment
			beam.Attachment1 = dstAttachment
			beam.Parent = folder

			local origDist ="NumberValue")
			origDist.Name = "OrigDist"
			origDist.Value = (dstAttachment.Parent.Position - srcAttachment.Parent.Position).Magnitude
			origDist.Parent = folder

			folder.Parent = player.Character 
		busy = false

for _,i in pairs(workspace:WaitForChild("Targets"):GetChildren()) do


local startSpeed = .2 --texture length per stud per second
local endSpeed = 5 --texture length per stud per second
local rangeSpeed = endSpeed - startSpeed

while script.Parent do
	local character = script.Parent
	if character then
		local folder = character:FindFirstChild("Beam")
		if folder and folder:FindFirstChild("SrcRef") and 
			folder:FindFirstChild("DstRef") and folder:FindFirstChild("Beam") and 
			folder:FindFirstChild("OrigDist") then
			local src = folder.SrcRef.Value
			local dst = folder.DstRef.Value
			if src.Parent and dst.Parent then
				local dist = (src.Parent.Position - dst.Parent.Position).Magnitude
				local offset =,-((character.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y/2)+character.Humanoid.HipHeight-.5),0)
				local cf = CFrame.lookAt(src.Parent.Position+offset,dst.Parent.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(90))
				src.CFrame = src.Parent.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(cf)
				cf = CFrame.lookAt(dst.Parent.Position,src.Parent.Position+offset)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),math.rad(90))
				dst.CFrame = dst.Parent.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(cf)
				local origDist = folder.OrigDist.Value or dist
				folder.Beam.TextureSpeed =  math.clamp(rangeSpeed-(rangeSpeed*(dist/origDist))+startSpeed,startSpeed,endSpeed)

Its a bit crude and the texture is terrible, but maybe it will get you going in the right direciton.

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Thanks a bunch this helped me solve it.

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