How to draw a slashmark using RaycastHitbox

So basically instead of just a decal on the first hit the raycast detected, I want to draw a line so it looks like my lightsaber cut an actual line instead of a hole.

Here is how it looks atm.

This does not look good, and I would rather have a line

This is kinda what I want:

  • This is drawn, it’s just a reference.

Hope you could give me some tips.

  • As the title says, this is using the latest RaycastHitbox module, if you are not familiar with this, then you can’t help.
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I am not familiar with this system, but you can probably use regular raycasting alongside it? If that is the case, then one solution would be to cast two rays, one for the start and one for the end and add decal going from start to finish. Otherwise you could cast plenty of rays and add your decal on each hit.

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