How to easily add shadows to UI elements - UI Shadows

UI Shadows
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UI Shadows is a plugin that makes it easy to create and manage UI shadows.

Perhaps you often want to add something unusual to your design, but the limited tools of Roblox Studio do not allow you to do this, so you have to use third-party applications or use what is in Roblox Studio.

UI Shadows can help you improve your UI design.

Now UI Shadows can:

  1. Create and customize shadows for UI objects
  2. Create ready-made animated templates for your project
  3. Convenient to move UI objects

Create ready-made animated templates for your project

Convenient to move UI objects

We strive for your convenience!

Update | v3.5 (12 sept, 2023)

  • New Positioning And Size Algorithm
  • New Language Change Animation
  • New Icons

Try UI Shadows


WOW!!! THIS IS SO COOL!! finally I don’t need to go to third party things for ui shading now!

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also, the ui animaions are the best!

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Thanks for your support! Hope UI Shadows can help you with your future projects! :slight_smile:

Really great work, will be using constantly in the future.

Could we get an option for a white colored shadow so we can recolor it easily without having to edit the images themselves?

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Thank you! I’ll think about your idea! :slight_smile:

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this is awesome. could probably HIGHLY improve my ui design. this deserves way more attention.

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When trying to get this plugin via the link provided, it shows a “You need permissions to access this content”. Is there any other way to get the plugin?