How To Edit Edges Seperately? [BLENDER PROBLEM]

Sorry about the title! It was hard to describe the problem since I’m new to blender.

What I’m trying to do is select all the lines and do that little thing on all of them. When I select them all, it just brings all of it out together instead of separately.

Thanks for reading!

Yeah, but I’m trying to select like… Not line after line but like… every two lines.

im dumb at this-

Then just manually select each second pair of lines and resize it.

Step 1, go to edit mode
Step 2, select every 2 lines
Step 3, Press S to go to scale mode
Step 4, Press Shift + Y to resize the components on the X and Z axis only(I’m assuming this is the y axis):

This is what I mean(Step 4)

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So I have to do that on every other two lines? I sometimes make a mistake and select the wrong thing and have to start over though… :(( I was hoping for a way to select every two lines at the same time and make bumps

Alright! I’ll try that out :DD Thanks!

Thank you so much! It works :DDD Have a good day :3