I need to get a specific numbersequence from a particleemitter and change it’s value, but I got no idea how to achieve this.
The documentation was a bit confusing for me so I was wondering if anyone could show how it’s done.
I’ve tried something like this but I am very confused on how it works.
Emitter.Size = NumberSequence.new(5) -- This is for a single size, maybe not what you want.
Emitter.Size = NumberSequence.new(5, 0) -- This uses a start and end value.
Emitter.Size = NumberSequence.new({
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0, 5),
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0.5, 5),
NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1, 0.5)
}) -- This uses a list of NumberSequenceKeypoints where each keypoint uses a time and value number.
-- NumberSequenceKeypoint has a third, optional argument for envelope as well.