How to efficiently build roads in studio?

I’m working on a low poly game and I want roads (curved, straight.)with simple textures for the roads and so far I’ve considered:

  • 3D modelling the roads in Maya although this comes with issues I might need to tackle such as performance although it’s low poly and the map isn’t going to be enormous.(though due to it being low poly the poly count will obviously not be a large issue)

  • Using a plugin that fills in gaps then applying that to create curves for the roads.

  • Using a plugin that generates roads though it still doesn’t cover the issue I’m going to address now:

  • How would I go about texturing said roads in Roblox? If I don’t make the roads in 3D software I presume that would mean I need to export all of the roads and clean up the most likely messy poly’s?(I also feel it important to note I don’t like the lack of control a plugin like this would give me over my own game.)

If your idea isn’t listed here I’m open to it as any help is greatly appreciated.

What I’m trying to avoid is the standard - performance issues and time wasted to overly complicated methods.


I don’t really make roads, but I use Bézier Paths.
It pretty much lets you create smooth roads with 3 clicks, but I don’t think that I can help you when it comes to texturing for them. Sorry!
EDIT: Forgot to include an example on what you can make with 3 clicks, haha.


This should be helpful although it doesn’t leave me with control but the settings provided are okay. I appreciate the help though this still leaves the issue with texturing…the only solution I can think of is retopology but game engines really mess up the topo once the asset exists in it.

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Well, I wish you luck though. :slight_smile: