How to efficiently edit mesh?

So I have something already made and it looks rather bland and boring and thus I’d like to add a bit more visual effects (aka details) to make it look nicer. However, this part is just one of many in my creation.

Say I want to make indents on the blue parts marked. The issue is, if you reimport that part from Blender to Roblox, there’s sizing and location issues. If I just make indents on that specific mesh and reimport it, I’ll have a hard time resizing and placing it back to it’s perfect spot or it would really be a hassle.

In practice, yes I could import, resize, and align it with my eyes to somehow make it fit visually, but it won’t be as perfect as it would be if I would’ve just imported straight from blender.

You could in the beginning of all of this go through the hassle of resizing, reimporting and repeating until Roblox finds it unnecessary to resize your parts, but I’d like to know if there’s any other way to do it throughout your workflow.

Workflow wise, how do you guys import meshes so when you need to edit it, you can do it and replace it quickly and efficiently?

Any thoughts help, thanks in advance.

When exporting a mesh from blender meant for roblox, remember to set the scale from 1 to 0.01 and it’ll be the correct size

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