Note: Roblox doesn’t yet support binary data to be saved to the DataStore, as discussed here, so you would have to encode the buffer as Base64 before saving it e.g. this repo
local LP_EPSILON = 1e-6
local I16_PRECISION = 32767
-- i.e flags for CFrame datatype, learn more:
-- - https://www.alanzucconi.com/2015/07/26/enum-flags-and-bitwise-operators/
-- - https://turnerj.com/blog/fun-with-flags-enums-and-bit-shifting
local sigFlags = {
-- ---------------------
-- | BINARY | Decimal |
-- ---------------------
None = 0, -- | 0000000 | 0 |
Coordinate = 1, -- | 0000001 | 1 |
Positional = bit32.lshift(1, 1), -- | 0000010 | 2 |
Rotational = bit32.lshift(1, 2), -- | 0000100 | 4 |
X = bit32.lshift(1, 3), -- | 0001000 | 8 |
Y = bit32.lshift(1, 4), -- | 0010000 | 16 |
Z = bit32.lshift(1, 5), -- | 0100000 | 32 |
Component = bit32.lshift(1, 6), -- | 1000000 | 64 |
-- ---------------------
-- i.e. maps a sigFlag to a quaternion index, i.e. 1 = x; 2 = y, 3 = z
local quatIndex = {
[sigFlags.X] = 1,
[sigFlags.Y] = 2,
[sigFlags.Z] = 3,
-- i.e. maps a quaternion index (1 = x) to a sigflag
local quatRelative = {
[1] = sigFlags.X,
[2] = sigFlags.Y,
[3] = sigFlags.Z,
-- e.g. some custom datatype you could define
local customDatatypes = {
-- e.g. some custom datatype(s)
GridAlignedData = 'table', -- blahblah
Computes a normalised quaternion given a CFrame
@param cf CFrame -- a CFrame value
@return varargs<...> -- normalised components of a quaternion
local function computeNormalisedQuaternion(cf)
local axis, angle = cf:ToAxisAngle()
local x = axis.X
local y = axis.Y
local z = axis.Z
local d = x*x + y*y + z*z
if d > LP_EPSILON then
d = 1 / math.sqrt(d)
x *= d
y *= d
z *= d
x = 1
y = 0
z = 0
local ha = angle*0.5
local sha = math.sin(ha)
local w = math.cos(ha)
x = sha * x
y = sha * y
z = sha * z
d = x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w
if d > 0 then
d = 1 / math.sqrt(d)
return x*d, y*d, z*d, w*d
return 0, 0, 0, 1
Compress a quaternion into { 1x u8, ... 3x i16 }
@param qx number -- x component of a quaternion
@param qy number -- y component of a quaternion
@param qz number -- z component of a quaternion
@param qw number -- w component of a quaternion
@param qw boolean -- (optional) boolean to det. whether we will
attempt to compress the quaternion such that
its qi component represents a quaternion's index
if its value is approx. 1
@return varargs<...> -- the compressed quaternion components
local function compressQuaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw, useMinimal)
local index = -1
local value = -math.huge
local element, v0, v1, v2
for i = 1, 4, 1 do
local val = select(i, qx, qy, qz, qw)
local abs = math.abs(val)
if abs > value then
index = i
value = abs
element = val
-- i.e. if 1x component is approx. 1 then we can reduce to single u8; since rotation (w, x, y, z) = -1*(w, x, y, z)
if useMinimal and math.abs(1 - value) < LP_EPSILON then
return index + 4
local sign = element >= 0 and 1 or -1
if index == 1 then
v0 = math.floor(qy * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v1 = math.floor(qz * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v2 = math.floor(qw * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
elseif index == 2 then
v0 = math.floor(qx * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v1 = math.floor(qz * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v2 = math.floor(qw * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
elseif index == 3 then
v0 = math.floor(qx * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v1 = math.floor(qy * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v2 = math.floor(qw * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
elseif index == 4 then
v0 = math.floor(qx * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v1 = math.floor(qy * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
v2 = math.floor(qz * sign * I16_PRECISION + 0.5)
return index, v0, v1, v2
Compress a quaternion into { 1x u8, ... 3x i16 }
@param cf CFrame -- a CFrame value
@param qw boolean -- (optional) boolean to det. whether we will
attempt to compress the quaternion such that
its qi component represents a quaternion's index
if its value is approx. 1
@return varargs<...> -- the compressed quaternion components
local function compressQuaternionFromCFrame(cframe, useMinimal)
local qx, qy, qz, qw = computeNormalisedQuaternion(cframe)
return compressQuaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw, useMinimal)
Attempts to derive a valid quaternion from a compressed quaternion
as given by the `::compressQuaternion` and `::compressQuaternionFromCFrame` method
@param ... varargs<...> -- compress components
@return varargs<...> -- the x, y, z and w components of the inflated quaternion
local function decompressQuaternion(qi, q0, q1, q2)
-- decompress minimal where index describes one q component that's 1
if qi > 4 then
if qi == 5 then
return 1, 0, 0, 0
elseif qi == 6 then
return 0, 1, 0, 0
elseif qi == 7 then
return 0, 0, 1, 0
elseif qi == 8 then
return 0, 0, 0, 1
-- decompress components
local d = math.sqrt(1 - (q0*q0 + q1*q1 + q2*q2))
if qi == 1 then
return d, q0, q1, q2
elseif qi == 2 then
return q0, d, q1, q2
elseif qi == 3 then
return q0, q1, d, q2
return q0, q1, q2, d
-- --
-- --
[!] Note:
The 'writeExampleBuffer' could do with some work here:
1. you should be iterating through the values and determining the len of your
buffer first before creating it
2. You should be dynamically resizing your buffer
The same can be said for the read example which could be expanded to
read a u8 that would describe the datatype; the reader would read that flag
before decoding the value
Attempts to write the given value to the buffer according to its datatype
@param datatype string -- the desired datatype
@param value any -- the value to write
@return (1) boolean -- reflects success state
(2) buffer | string -- either (a) the resulting buffer or (b) an error message
local function writeExampleBuffer(datatype, value)
local t = typeof(datatype)
if t ~= 'string' then
return false, string.format('Expected string for DataType but got %q', t)
local trueDataType = customDatatypes[datatype] or datatype
t = typeof(value)
if datatype ~= t then
return false, string.format(
'TypeMismatch: expected value as type %q but got %q',
datatype, t
local buf
if datatype == 'CFrame' then
local vector = value.Position
local qi, q0, q1, q2 = compressQuaternionFromCFrame(value, true)
local hasPositionalData = vector.Magnitude >= LP_EPSILON
local hasRotationalData = qi <= 4
local sg, sz
if hasPositionalData and hasRotationalData then
sg = sigFlags.Coordinate
sz = 19
elseif hasPositionalData then
sg = sigFlags.Positional
sz = 13
elseif hasRotationalData then
sg = sigFlags.Rotational
sz = 7
sg = sigFlags.None
sz = 1
local index
if qi > 4 then
index = quatRelative[qi - 4]
if index then
index = bit32.bor(index, sigFlags.Component)
index = quatRelative[qi]
if index then
sg = bit32.bor(sg, index)
local offset = 1
buf = buffer.create(sz)
buffer.writeu8(buf, 0, sg)
if hasPositionalData then
buffer.writef32(buf, offset + 0, value.X)
buffer.writef32(buf, offset + 4, value.Y)
buffer.writef32(buf, offset + 8, value.Z)
offset += 12
if hasRotationalData then
buffer.writei16(buf, offset + 0, q0)
buffer.writei16(buf, offset + 2, q1)
buffer.writei16(buf, offset + 4, q2)
offset += 6
-- e.g. some other datatype
if buf then
return true, buf
return false, string.format('NotImplementedError: unknown datatype %q', datatype)
Attempts to read the given datatype from the given buffer at the given offset
@param buf buffer -- the buffer to read from
@param datatype string -- the desired datatype to read
@param offset number -- (optional) buffer offset index
@return (1) boolean -- reflects success state
(2) buffer | string -- either (a) the resulting value or (b) an error message
(3) number -- the offset after reading the value
local function readExampleBuffer(buf, datatype, offset)
local t = typeof(buf)
if t ~= 'buffer' then
return false, string.format('Expected BufferObject for buffer but got %q', t), offset
t = typeof(datatype)
if t ~= 'string' then
return false, string.format('Expected string for DataType but got %q', t), offset
t = typeof(offset)
if t == 'nil' then
offset = 0
elseif t ~= 'number' then
return false, string.format('Expected number|nil for offset but got %q', t), offset
if datatype == 'CFrame' then
local sig = buffer.readu8(buf, offset + 0)
offset += 1
local coordinate
local x, y, z
local qi, q0, q1, q2
local qx, qy, qz, qw
local isComponent = bit32.band(sig, sigFlags.Component) == sigFlags.Component
if isComponent then
sig = bit32.band(sig, bit32.bnot(sigFlags.Component))
if bit32.band(sig, sigFlags.Coordinate) == sigFlags.Coordinate then
-- some coordinate frame incl. position + rotation
sig = bit32.band(sig, bit32.bnot(sigFlags.Coordinate))
qi = sig > 0 and quatIndex[sig] or 4
qi = isComponent and qi + 4 or qi
x = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 0)
y = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 4)
z = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 8)
q0 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 12)
q1 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 14)
q2 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 16)
qx, qy, qz, qw = decompressQuaternion(qi, q0, q1, q2)
coordinate = CFrame.new(x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw)
offset += 18
elseif bit32.band(sig, sigFlags.Positional) == sigFlags.Positional then
-- some positional coordinate +/- rotation
sig = bit32.band(sig, bit32.bnot(sigFlags.Positional))
qi = sig > 0 and quatIndex[sig] + 4 or 8
x = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 0)
y = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 4)
z = buffer.readf32(buf, offset + 8)
qx, qy, qz, qw = decompressQuaternion(qi)
coordinate = CFrame.new(x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw)
offset += 12
elseif bit32.band(sig, sig) ~= sigFlags.None then
-- some rotational coordinate
if bit32.band(sig, sigFlags.Rotational) == sigFlags.Rotational then
sig = bit32.band(sig, bit32.bnot(sigFlags.Rotational))
qi = sig > 0 and quatIndex[sig] or 4
qi = isComponent and qi + 4 or qi
qi = sig > 0 and quatIndex[sig] or 0
qi = isComponent and qi + 4 or qi
if qi <= 4 then
q0 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 0)
q1 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 2)
q2 = buffer.readi16(buf, offset + 4)
offset += 6
qx, qy, qz, qw = decompressQuaternion(qi, q0, q1, q2)
coordinate = CFrame.new(0, 0, 0, qx, qy, qz, qw)
-- identity
coordinate = CFrame.identity
return true, coordinate, offset
-- e.g. some other datatype
return false, string.format('NotImplementedError: unknown datatype %q', datatype), offset
-- --
-- DEMO --
-- --
-- e.g. some wrapper function around your read/write methods ...
local function someWrapperFunction(target)
local success, result = writeExampleBuffer('CFrame', target)
if success then
success, result = readExampleBuffer(result, 'CFrame', 0)
if success then
return true, { Target = target, Result = result }
return false, result or 'Unknown error occurred'
-- [?] Note:
-- The following is wrapped in a function because I tested it using a storybook,
-- just rip out the contents and use it in some script to test it
return function ()
local exampleCFrame = CFrame.new(0, 5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi*0.25, 0, -math.pi*0.25)
local success, result = someWrapperFunction(exampleCFrame)
if not success then
local part = Instance.new('Part')
part.Size = Vector3.one + Vector3.zAxis
part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
part.CanCollide = false
part.CanQuery = false
part.CanTouch = false
part.Anchored = true
local parts = { }
for name, cframe in next, result do
local p = part:Clone()
p.Name = name
p.CFrame = cframe
p.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
p.Parent = workspace
table.insert(parts, p)
return function ()
for i, v in next, parts do
pcall(v.Destroy, v)