How to Emit Particles once as Displayed using the ParticleEmitter:Emit(n) V2 Plugin

Hey :wave:

So I’m having an issue scripting particles in my game, my goal is to have a part that contains the particles (Initially set to Enabled = False) which will be cloned to a position and fully play the child particles once before Getting destroyed.

Using the Plugin mentioned in the title, i Emit all my particles and it looks great, but when it comes to using that same example in game it dosent go as planed, currently when the part is cloned, some of the particles inside don’t instantly play, and some just play randomly while changing the rate.

Example of how i want it to look:

How its playing now:

Function to handle the Emission of the Particles:

	local function onBladeTouched(blade, otherPart)
		local character = otherPart.Parent
		local humanoid = character and character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

		if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 and character ~= player.Character and not hitTargets[humanoid] then
			hitTargets[humanoid] = true

						local enemyEffect = zedQEffectTemplate:Clone()
			enemyEffect.CFrame = humanoid.RootPart.CFrame
			enemyEffect.Parent = workspace

						for _, particle in pairs(enemyEffect.Attachment:GetChildren()) do
				if particle:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
					particle.Enabled = true
					local emitCount = particle:GetAttribute("EmitCount") or 0

						local maxParticleDuration = 0
			for _, particle in pairs(enemyEffect.Attachment:GetChildren()) do
				if particle:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
					local lifetime = particle.Lifetime.Max
					if lifetime > maxParticleDuration then
						maxParticleDuration = lifetime
			delay(maxParticleDuration, function()

My goal is to have the effect play as it shows when using the Plugin to Emit.

Thank you all for your valuable time!