How to enable emotes in my game?

How do I enable emotes in my game? My StarterPlayer properties have user emotes enabled
But it says emotes are disabled in game…

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The issue may be because you have it set at R6/R15, I don’t remember which one allows emotes. But I will assume that is the reason.

When you do want to, go to Game Settings < Avatar < Change It to R6 or R15, which I don’t remember which actually allows it. Then save it. Also try to check your avatar if it is R6 or R15, there is a chance it is also because of your avatar mode.

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Its either u are in r6 or you have a script that diables it

Im assuming its the first option

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imm using the r15 in my game, how would you disable it with code?

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Disable emotes?

I think its this

game.Starterplayer.UserEmotesEnabled.Enabled = true

--something like that, I cannot script
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