How to enable plugin keyword autocomplete

I’m currently in the process of creating a plugin but I’ve noticed that a lot of plugin keywords like plugin or even DockWidgetPluginGui don’t have autocomplete.


My current work around for this is creating a custom type for each of the plugin datatypes that are missing structures. Even though this works, its still sloppy since I would have to manually go into the documentation every time something gets added or depreicated (I know I could use something like a json dump and pull the properties from there but I might do that in the future).

If anyone knows a cleaner/efficient and more offical way of doing this please let me know!


my go to is

local plugin: Plugin = plugin

Its contained within a single line :smiley:


I tried that previously but it gives autocompletion for an Instance and not for Plugin.

See plugin doesn’t have a Parent property

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i think the plugin should be Plugin so your actually using the var (on line 15, should have elaborated it.)

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Plugin is the type, plugin is the var. They are using the correct name


I think that’s probably just inherited, which we can’t do much about.

All of the Plugin methods should be autocompletable, if you try them out.


I tried them but they don’t auto complete

Should auto complete to plugin:GetSetting()

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It shows up correctly for me. What script type are you editing?

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Local script

In server storage

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I was usign a server script, however it doesn’t seem to have mattered because when I tried in a local script, it still worked correctly.

Have you got any beta features enabled?

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I don’t have any that effect scripts

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If you try it in a new script, so the only code is the plugin = plugin stuff, does it work as expected?

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Where is your plugin script located?

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what on earth…

I’m not really sure why it works for me but not you

I tested it in workspace, SSS, Server storage, and other players. im not sure why its not working for you.

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I tried it months ago and it didn’t work then either…

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Not really sure what else it could be.
Below is a file containing an empty baseplate with the code that I confirmed is working on my machine. Can you please check if it is working / not working for you?

pluginPlugin=plugin.rbxl (52.2 KB)


Oh shoot, it doesn’t work for me in there either…

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Oh my god… I think this is disabled by default.

Autocomlete Plugin-security methods


That could probably do it.

You still need to add the local plugin: Plugin = plugin bit of code, otherwise nothing is provided to autocomplete to