How to ensure each team has at least one player?

I’m trying to make a function sort players into random teams. I’ve got it to work, however, I was wondering if there was an obvious way to ensure each team has at least 1 player, so, for example, the game won’t put 2 players on Blue and 0 on Red.

Note that I’m not using Roblox’s Teams feature, I’m using folders

-- This isn't the real script, it's an edited version of it just for this post
local RedTeam,BlueTeam = {},{}
local Teams = game:GetService('Teams').BlueAndRed:GetChildren()

function SortIntoTeam()
    for i,v in ipairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
	    if v.Settings.Playing.Value == true then -- If player is playing, ignore this
	    	local RandomTeam = Teams[math.random(1,#Teams)]
            if RandomTeam.Name == 'Blue' then
	    	    print(v.Name..' is on team '..RandomTeam.Name)
            elseif RandomTeam.Name == 'Red' then
                print(v.Name..' is on team '..RandomTeam.Name)

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

One quick ideas is to loop through teams to check if any have no players and add a player to those before choosing randomly.
For example: keep a list of teams with no players, and randomly choose from that list before choosing a team with players on it