How to execute a loadstring() command

Hello there, i want to create a custom console and to execute commands like the built in roblox dev console.

But how would i execute commands like the roblox developer console?, for example:

i write a command and execute it, it clones a text label and the text i executed and it will clone it a second time and the second clone’s text will be the answer.

Yes i know how to execute a command with loadsting:


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Send the string to the server first, and on the server compile it via the loadstring function.

Another option would be to sandbox scripts.

Alright, and how would i sandbox scripts and what does it mean?

Also how would i get the string? could u show a example script?

I meant Sandboxing as in providing a controlled environment to run code in, and disabling any access to malicious keywords/functions if needed.

vLua allows you to run code on the client I think

I don’t know how your system works but if it’s using a TextBox to type Lua code in then use the Text property to get the string currently within the text box

I also have an open-source place too, to demonstrate what I meant by “send the string to the server and execute it”:

(no syntax highlighting yet)

No like one of those script builder games which has there own output and code runner.

Script builders like that tend to either catch, or redirect script output. Additionally, script builders use tons of sandboxing for security. I wrote a fairly advanced module (usage-wise, the concept is not super complicated however, hence why I plan on rewriting the tool) for that purpose as well, but, if you only intend to execute code from specific people, like yourself, that likely isn’t necessary.

As for actual code input, most SBs tend to use a lua parser to parse code into something that’s easy to work with, then they can color the code with that information (I believe with the new upcoming RichText feature this will be much, much easier when it’s fully featured).

Catching output

Catching output can be done through certain Roblox services, primarily LogService, which shows all output, and or ScriptContext.Error which only captures errors from non corescripts, however, provides a ton of extra information.

ScriptContext.Error is primarily used in SB games to collect errors from additional threads. Since ScriptContext.Error reports the script that the error was created by.

Redirecting output

Redirecting output is a lot simpler and is what most script builders do, and, its really just as easy as replacing print, warn, error, and assert for the code you are running, and, for example, pcalling the returned loadstring function. This will allow you to capture any output.

The print/warn functions can basically be rewritten in lua-form like this:

local function print(...)
	local arguments = table.pack(...)
	for index=1, arguments.n do -- Note: I intentionally do this here since nil arguments would leave holes in the array (and it wouldn't loop over them with ipairs or pairs), n is from table.pack
		arguments[index] = tostring(arguments[index])
	local stringOutput = table.concat(arguments, " ")
local function warn(...)
	local arguments = table.pack(...)
	for index=1, arguments.n do -- Note: I intentionally do this here since nil arguments would leave holes in the array (and it wouldn't loop over them with ipairs or pairs), n is from table.pack
		arguments[index] = tostring(arguments[index])
	local stringOutput = table.concat(arguments, " ")

In this case, someRawPrintCode is just a placeholder for whatever code is used to actually output the string. So, really, if you want to make modifications to the print/warn functions you might want to call the real print/warn function. (e.g. realPrint(...) or realPrint(stringOutput)).

At this point, you can really use the outputs however you’d like.


Hopefully this all is useful to you (or others), I’ve spent a decent bit of time writing this up. And again, unless you’re experienced, allowing anyone to run code (beyond yourself and maybe a few other of your game’s developers or something) can be fairly dangerous because it can basically give anyone access to your game if not done correctly. It’s best to stay away from it unless you’re experienced (hence why I wrote the tool I mentioned to make the process at least a decent bit less difficult by providing tools for sandboxing code).


Tiny mistake:

also: you would get the n field created by table.pack

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Good catches! That was an important oversight on my part haha. I’ve updated the code now so it actually reflects what occurs.

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Sorry for the late reply, Could u possibly show an example of code for the output?

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