Hey everyone!
It is possible that the question has already been asked and answered before but I can’t find any solution.
I’m learning VFX and Animations and I just discovered that Moon Animator enables you to animate multiple objects, even parts, particleEmitters, and a lot more.
I’m facing a problem, when I do ExportAll, it seems to only export the “Character” animation and not the VFX / Meshes Animation. I already tried to load the exported animation on my character’s humanoid or using AnimationContoller with Animator but it only plays the character’s animation.
So, how can I play the animation of my VFX? Is it possible or it is just for “films” and for the fun?
I’m a bit lost because I have a lot of things to learn, so I wanted to ask for help because I’m looking for a solution for about 4 hours.
If you have any questions about my problem, feel free to ask.
I really hope you can help me.
Thank you for your help!