How to "export" a part Animation with Moon Animator

Hey everyone!

It is possible that the question has already been asked and answered before but I can’t find any solution.

I’m learning VFX and Animations and I just discovered that Moon Animator enables you to animate multiple objects, even parts, particleEmitters, and a lot more.

I’m facing a problem, when I do ExportAll, it seems to only export the “Character” animation and not the VFX / Meshes Animation. I already tried to load the exported animation on my character’s humanoid or using AnimationContoller with Animator but it only plays the character’s animation.
So, how can I play the animation of my VFX? Is it possible or it is just for “films” and for the fun?

I’m a bit lost because I have a lot of things to learn, so I wanted to ask for help because I’m looking for a solution for about 4 hours.

If you have any questions about my problem, feel free to ask.
I really hope you can help me.
Thank you for your help!


you can only export animations for rigs. no parts, particleEmitters, or anything like that.

Thank you for your answer.
So I’m wondering, why can you animate Parts? Is it only for the “Representation” while animating your rig?


Its so that you can animate moving cars knocked down things, etc. in your movies.


Ok thx you for your help! :smiley:


what if we wanted to use the movie in games?

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you can’t, i mean u can except that’s meant more of like the last guest type things bc you would have to give each character their animation through the animator and play it as a cutscene