How to export my Lua script from VScode to Roblox Studio?

Hey, I want to learn scripting, but i have this question.
How do i export my script from VSCode to Roblox?
I can just copy/paste it?
Or its more complicated?

I recommend using RoJo to sync everything. It’s the easiest way to go, and the best one pretty much.

And yes, you can just copy and paste it.

Even while using Rojo, I will find myself copy and pasting scripts just to make sure for some reason.

Also two way sync from Rojo is broken so when I modify a script from studio I’ll do that too.


You should definitely check out Rojo!
It is an awesome tool that will help you greatly when coding in Vscode and save you a lot of time copy-pasting scripts.

There is an option in Vscode to auto-save every file. I have this turned on.
This way every word I write is copied instantly to Roblox studio, and I don’t have to click Ctrl+S 10.000 times :wink:.

What is this option…? Can we know? Lol.

Is that rojo a plugin? Or a VSCode extension?

Both :eyes:

It interacts with VSCode and Roblox Studio, to sync files from VsCode to Studio. Look at the tutorials @imAlex_30 showed.

Sorry for the late reply, but it is an option inside Vscode’s settings.
Basic Editing in Visual Studio Code.

Try searching “Auto save” inside user settings.

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