How to extrack numbers from a word using decimals

Hi so ive been encounterign this issue

msg = /size 2
	if msg == "/size "..tostring(NumberFromString) then
				print(NumberFromString) -- 2

msg = /size 0.5
	if msg == "/size "..tostring(NumberFromString) then
				print(NumberFromString) -- nil

i need some help ive been searching but havent found anything

I have no idea what you want, or what you’re trying to do, or why it isn’t working. You need to explain it fully. That code makes very little sense.


Is this what you’re asking for?

local msg = "/size 20" -- the original message
local content = string.split(msg, ' ') -- content in the message
local number = tonumber(content[2])

print(number) --> 20

Your post is very vague

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