How to fill up a grid with 2 colors like this

What I want :
What I have :

How mine works : Choose 2 points, and fill the neighboring 4 parts if they are unvisited β†’ Do the same thing with the new parts
Problem : The border isnt chaotic since the second color is filled after the first one

So I might need a new algorithm

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Could you elaborate more on what you’re doing?

what does this mean?

i meant checking if the part has been colored or not

if you did this would it not eventually fill up the whole board?

yes, but as seen in the second image, the border isnt chaotic enough

So let me get this straight, you choose 2 points, each point having their own colour (light and dark) and then you find the 4 squares next to it, fill them and repeat until all the squares have a colour?

yes and i think i need a different algorithm for this

To make it more chaotic you could try using random values to choose whether you use the 4 adjacent pieces or diagonal pieces?