Hi everyone! I am new so idk how to do this so i need help!
I need to find a table in a table, to make taunt system.
Everytime i try to do something, it finishes with an error or a nil
Thats my loader :
local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent)
local plrid = plr.UserId
local char = plr.Character
local taunts = {}
local tauntstore = DS:GetDataStore("PlayerTaunts")
taunts = tauntstore:GetAsync(plrid)
local havesleep = Instance.new("BoolValue")
local equippedsleep = Instance.new("BoolValue")
local slotsleep = Instance.new("IntValue")
havesleep = taunts[table.find(taunts["SleepTaunt"], )] -- idk what to set here so its blank fornow
equippedsleep = 0 --for now its blank too
slotsleep = 0 --for now its blank too
and whats my table looks like (from another script) :
local table = {
["SleepTaunt"] = {
["Have"] = "Yes",
["Equipped"] = "No",
["Slot"] = "nil"
Tks everyone who read this, and hope u will help me