I want to be able to find first child with a specific string in a parts name. For example
Green Part
Blue Part
Purple Part
Pink Part
And I want to use find first child to basically see if a specific ‘part’ exists. I know of string.find but I don’t believe that’d work in this cause.
PLEASE NOTE!! I am not just gonna do
if Model:FindFirstChild('Green Part') then
if Model:FindFirstChild('Blue Part') then
-- etc.
This is a more broader question. Imagine if I had 200 different variants. I just wanna be able to check if a specific item exists in a model, with a specific name
I have a model. If that model can only have 1 part with a specific name it, I wanna be able to find it, so I can remove it. Let’s say that part is called ‘Green Part’ then I wanna find it, and then remove it. I can’t just do FindFirstChild(‘Green Part’) as it could be ‘Blue Part’ or ‘Red Part’
I basically wanna find the first item with the string ‘Part’ in it